Author Guidelines

The Title of The Article in The Kepompong Children Centre Journal is Written Short and Completely According to The Substance of Content

First Author1*, Second Author1, and Third Author2 (All full names without degree) 1University/Institution of Origin of First Author, Country

2University/Institution of Origin of Second Author, Country

*e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: Abstract should reflect the overall substance of the article content and help the reader determine its relevance to interest and decide whether to read the document as a whole. The abstract contains statements about the background of the problem, research objectives or problem focus, methods or essential stages of research, research findings, and recommendations. In the abstract section, also briefly list your research contributions. The title and abstract are written in 2 languages (English and Indonesian), each abstract in 1 paragraph, one space apart, and several between 200–250 words. The entire body of the article consists of 5000-7000 words.

Keywords: contains important terms and the substance of the article, can make it easier for readers to find the article, the number is 3-5 terms, and is written under the abstract in bold and italics.


The introduction contains the background of the problem. This section describes the facts and data related to the issues raised based on relevant and up-to-date literature. Review a lot of literature related to the research issues raised and find gaps. After that, show the value of the novelty of what you wrote. Include your research contribution, and then end with the research objective. This section is written as much as approximately 20% of the body of the article, including the title and abstract.


Methods should be written short, concise, clear, but sufficient so that they can be replicated. This section contains the research approach, subjects, implementation procedures, use of tools, materials, instruments, and data collection and analysis techniques, but not theory. If deemed necessary, there is an attachment regarding the lattice of the tool or fragments of the material used. If there are statistical formulas used, the commonly used procedures do not need to be written. All specific provisions set by the researcher to collect and analyze data are described in the method section. This section is written up to a maximum of 10% (for qualitative research) or a maximum of 15% (for quantitative research) from the body of the article.


To facilitate understanding and reading, the research results are described first and then followed by discussion. The results and discussion subtitles are presented separately. This section must be the most part, at least 60% of the entire body of the article.


Results can be presented in numerical tables, graphs, verbal descriptions, or a combination of the three. Tables, graphs, or figures should not be too long, too large, or too numerous. The author should use a variety of presentation tables, graphs, or verbal descriptions. The tables and graphs presented should be referenced in the text. The way of writing the table is shown in Table 1. The table does not contain vertical (vertical) lines, and horizontal (flat) lines only exist at the head and tail of the table. The font size for tables and figures can be reduced. The numbers in the table should not be repeated in the verbal narrative either before or after.

 Table 1. Example of Table Writing











Result and Discussion



Conclusion and Recommendation




Figure 1. Example of Image Writing

The writing of the figures takes into account the following provisions. For manuscripts written in Indonesian, the number of thousands is marked with a period. For example, 1200300 is written at 1,200,300. Numbers in decimal numbers are written using a comma up to two digits after the comma, for example, 12.34. If the number is less than 1, then the number of zeros in front of the comma must be written, for example 0.12.

For manuscripts written in English, the thousands are given a comma. For example 1200300 is written 1,200,300. Numbers that are decimal numbers are written using a period up to two digits after the comma, for example, 12.34. If the number is less than 1, then the zero in front of the dot is not written, for example, .12.

Symbols or mathematical notations in the form of letters of the alphabet are written in italics. Still, those in the form of Greek letters are written upright using the correct symbols. The equal sign is written with a one-tap pause before and after it, for example (an English number): r = .678; p = .002. For statistical results that depend on degrees of freedom, such as the value of t, F, or Z, it must be followed by writing the value of the degree of freedom in parentheses. Example: t(56) = 1.345; F(1, 34) = 6,678. A calculation of effect sizes should accompany statistical tests: t-test using Cohen's d and F-test using partial eta squared or other according to the reference used.

The results of the qualitative approach research sourced from interviews, observations, interpretation of the contents of the text, and others are condensed, abstracted, or made into a substantial summary. So, presented are significant findings that can be presented in descriptive tables to facilitate understanding by the reader. Snippets of interviews, descriptions of observations, excerpts from texts, and others that contain the main findings or answers to research questions are presented in the discussion as authentic examples.


The discussion is intended to interpret and interpret the research results by the theory used and not just to explain the findings. The discussion must be enriched by referring to or comparing the results of previous studies that have been published in reputable scientific journals and not from predatory journals. The discussion also suggests that it contains the integration of research results into a collection of established theories or knowledge, the preparation of new theories, modifications of existing theories, and the implications of research results.

How to quote

Writing references in the body of the article using brackets (...). If there is only one author: examples (Fitriyah, 2018); if there are two authors: examples (Fitriyah & Rihla, 2017). If there are three to five authors, all of the first mentions are written: examples (Fitriyah, Rihla, & Afwan, 2018), and subsequent mentions are written (Fitriyah et al., 2018). According to the writing style, reference writing can also be written with a name outside the brackets, for example, Fitriyah & Rihla (2017).

It is recommended that references are not in direct quotations or do not contain too many direct quotations. However, if there is a direct quote that is less than 40 words, it must be written in paragraphs (not separated) and enclosed in quotation marks (“...”). If a direct quote contains 40 words or more, it is written in blocks (separate from the paragraph), indented half an inch from the margin, without quotation marks, and followed by the author's name, year, page in parentheses (name, year: page).

If an abstract statement is taken from several references, all sources are written by mentioning all references in alphabetical order and a semicolon (;) to separate the sources; examples (Fitriyah, 2012; Rihla, 2012; Afwan, Amin, & Amalia, 2018). For translated reference sources, the original author's name, the year of the translation, and the title of the original book are referred to. If there are two references with the same author name and year, write the year plus the alphabet letters, for example (Fitriyah, 2012a) and Fitriyah (2012b).


Conclusions are not just repeating data but in the form of the substance of meaning. As stated in the "Introduction" chapter, it can be a statement of what is expected, as stated in the "Introduction" chapter, which can eventually lead to the "Results and Discussion" chapter so that there is compatibility. In addition, the prospect of developing research results and opportunities for further research applications in the future can also be added (based on the results and discussion).


This section contains acknowledgments to sponsors, fund donors, resource persons, or parties who play a significant role in implementing the research. If mentioning the name of a person or institution as a thank you, the author must ask permission from him. The author does not need to write thanks to the editor.


The bibliography is sorted alphabetically. Everything referenced in the article must be written in the bibliography and vice versa. Everything that is written in the bibliography must be referenced in the article. Reference library sources should come from journals rather than books or proceedings. According to the original source and write down doi (digital object identifier), the author is obliged to present a valid bibliography, especially for libraries in the form of journals. In writing a bibliography, the author must use a reference tool such as Mendeley, Endnote, Zotero, or others. Choose to use the American Psychological Association 7th Edition style.


Borg, W., & Gall, M. (1983). Educational Research. Longman.


Davidson, B. C., Davis, E., Cadenas, H., Barnett, M., Sanchez, B. E. L., Gonzalez, J. C., & Jent, J. (2020). Universal Teacher-Child Interaction Training in Early Special Education: A Pilot Cluster-Randomized Control Trial. Behavior Therapy.



Fitriyah, F. K., & Purwoko, B. (2018). Youth narcissistic and aggression: A challenge for guidance and counseling service in University. 173(Icei 2017), 109–111.

Online News

Adit, A. (2020). Penjelasan Mendikbud Terkait 3 Aspek Asesmen Nasional Pengganti UN 2021. Kompas.Com.